Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Baghchung, Jorhat, is a Catholic and minority Educational Institutions run by the Salesians of Don Bosco of Dimapur Province. It is a registered body under the Societies Registration Act 1860, and has its Regional Office at Don Bosco Provincial House, Dimapur, Nagaland.

DON BOSCO (1815 - 1888)

John Bosco, commonly known as Don Bosco, was born in 1815 at Becchi, a village near Turin, Italy. At the age of two, his father died. John, who was to become the father of orphans, became an orphan himself at such a tender age.

Through heroic sacrifices and by dint of hard work he became a catholic priest in 1841. As a priest, he dedicated himself to the service of boys, especially the poor by offering them food, lodging and education. Through the help of generous person s he opened technical institutes, hostels, schools and youth centers. Soon he founded a Society of Collaborators, and extended his work to the whole of Europe and subsequently to the other continents.

Don Bosco was one of the greatest educators of the last century. He died at the age of 72 on 31 January 1888. Don Bosco was declared a saint of the Catholic Church on 1 April, 1934. His followers today through its various activities, try to make the world a better place for the young to live in.

Millions are now the past pupils of Don Bosco, all over the world. They are proud of their education. Among them can be counted many who occupy places of responsibility in different countries.

The work of this humble priest has grown from a tiny seed into a large tree. The society he founded has now a membership of over 17, 000. The Salesians, as they are called, work over 132 countries through 3500 institutions. In India alone, there are 2000 Salesians serving the educational needs of children through 300 centres scattered throughout the country (


The system of education followed in the school is the method propounded and taught by St. John Bosco, a great educator of youth. It is based on "Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness".


The primary aim of this institution is the integral formation of the students by imparting values and creating in them critical consciousness. In this way we intend to prepare them to become honest citizens and agents of social change.


Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Baghchung, is located in a spacious campus about 5.5 kms away from Jorhat Town on Jorhat - Titabor road. Although the school does not have its own conveyance, there are many buses and other smaller vehicles plying to and from school ferrying students.